NC is a Buyer Beware State

Nothing to be afraid of, here!  This just means that it is the responsibility of the buyer to know what they are getting into, not the sellers responsibility to represent and inform.  

Inspections, survey and deed information are the responsibility of the buyer so that they are not surprised by new information after the transaction closes.  That is why during the Due Diligence period, it is important to make good use of your time to get all the information you can to learn about your newest asset.

While learning the conditions and history of the house and property, it is wise not to expect perfect.  Even a brand new house will not be perfect!  But learning about the systems, how the house operates and is designed will help you appreciate it longer down the road.

Similar to a wedding planner, your realtor can help you because they have seen this many times before, and can share experiences and concerns with you to help guide you.  They can ask the questions you haven't thought of yet so you will be happy, longer!